Today there was no rain… So I when out and did some practice. Started at 30 Ft with a couple rounds. Then went to 60 Ft, and finished off the target. Below that target I went to 75 Ft… was not real thrilled with this. Back to the Top Right I shot at 90 FT thought better of this. So I went to 120 FT I actually was hitting the target this surprised me… not to long along I was not hitting the whole sheet of paper! I did have two flyers but they were on paper.
I tried some of my new Pellets (Thanks Bill), the lighter 11.4 Grains, Maybe it was me but I think they flew straighter that the 14 Grains I had been using. All and all It was not to bad for not being out for more than a week, with a cold. I need more practice with breathing. At 86 degrees with 76% humidity I was soaked with an hour. I just could not relax and breath right today. If it had rained I would have been cooler… Come on my “Fall Friend” hurry up and get here and stay a while. Of course my shoulder was being a brat, so I gave in and came inside to post my results. To my Air Rifle Forum Buddies give me a yell and tell me what you all think.