My Continued Studies... here is the Wiccan Rede and the meaning behind the words. IF anyone believes I have mis-understood the rede, please show me the correction. Thanks.
Bide Ye the Wiccan Law Ye Must In Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.
Ye must Live and Let Live Fairly Take and Fairly Give.
Cast the Circle thrice about To keep unwelcomed spirits out.
To bind the spell well everytime Let the spell be spake in rhyme.
Light of Eye and soft of touch Speak ye little and listen much.
Deosil by the waxing moon Chanting out the Wiccan runes.
Widdershins by the waning moon Chanting out the baneful runes.
When the Lady's moon is new Kiss the hand to Her times two.
When the moon rides at Her peak Then your heart's desire seek.
Heed the North Winds' mighty gale Lock the door and trim the sail.
When the Wind comes from the South, Love will kiss thee on thy mouth.
When the moor winds blow from the West Departed Spirits have no rest.
When the Winds blow from the East Expect the new and set the feast.
Nine woods in the Cauldron go, Burn them fast and burn them slow.
Elder is the Lady's Tree Burn it Not or cursed you'll be.
When the Wheel begins to turn Let the Beltane fires burn.
When the Wheel hath turned to Yule Light a log the Horned One rules.
Heed ye Flower, Bush and Tree By the Lady, Blessed Be.
Where the rippling waters go Cast a stone and truth you'll know.
When ye have a true need Hearken not to others' greed.
With a fool no season spend Nor be counted as his friend.
Merry meet and merry part Bright the cheeks and warm the heart.
Mind the Threefold law you should Three times bad and three times good.
When misfortune is enow Wear the star upon thy brow.
True in Love ever be Lest thy love be false to thee.
Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill AN IT HARM NONE, DO AS YE WILL.
1. Bide Ye the Wiccan Law Ye Must In Perfect Love and Perfect Trust. This refers to Love and Trust in the God and Goddess, not necessarily humans. If love is truly present in any relationship; then it is perfect. While humans do have faults, they still should be Honoured and Respected for their Wisdom.
2. Ye must Live and Let Live Fairly Take and Fairly Give. That is 'give and take' should also encompass our Mother Earth. As Wiccans, we are Her Guardians. When taking some bark from a tree for a spell, give the tree a drink of water as blessing and thanks.
3. Cast the Circle thrice about To keep unwelcomed spirits out. The number three is everywhere in the Wiccan tradition. The Law of Three or Threefold Law, the Power of three. There's debate on that one. The Power of three meaning Mother, Maiden and Crone; or Body, Mind, and Spirit. Again, this shows the diversity of this religious tradition, there are no right or wrong ways. Usually casting a circle is for protection. Cast once with a personal choice of an Athame -Which is a two sided blade, sword or wand; the second with incense; the third with salt and water. A matter of personal choice or tradition.
4. To bind the spell well everytime Let the spell be spake in rhyme. Some of my most powerful spellwork has happened when I spoke from the heart. Whether rhymed or not, it still goes to the same place. And there are those that say a rhyme sticks in the subconscious.
5. Light of Eye and soft of touch Speak ye little and listen much. This Refers to giving of the 'evil eye' or staring someone down forcefully. Don't do it, it harbors ill will. And listening more than speaking gains more wisdom.
6. Deosil by the waxing moon Chanting out the Wiccan runes. "Deosil" means clockwise, and the waxing moon is from the cycle from New to a Full Moon. A time to ask for anything that should 'increase' or promote your life, be it love, money, stability, protection.
7. Widdershins by the waning moon Chanting out the baneful runes. "Widdershins" is counter-clockwise and the waning moon is from the cycle from a Full to New Moon. A great time to get rid of unwanted habits, to lose weight, which is a cleansings or banishings of things.
8. When the Lady's moon is new Kiss the hand to Her times two. This was in practice during The Inquisition, it would have a rised suspicious eye on you as being a witch. (Need more research on this)
9. When the moon rides at Her peak Then your heart's desire seek. The Moon peaking in this when the Moon is at it's fullist. This is a powerful magickal time for the Moon.
... The next four phrases speak of the Four Corners, or directions on the compass ...
10. Heed the North Winds' mighty gale Lock the door and trim the sail. The North wind is known for its Cold Arctic-like Touch and is the direction of Winter. So in otherwords, LOCK DOWN THE HOMESTEAD TIGHT.
11. When the Wind comes from the South, Love will kiss thee on thy mouth. The South, traditionally is fire and fire speaks of emotions or passions. Love for one. With the warm South winds come springtime and spring is the time for blossoming romances!
12. When the moor winds blow from the West Departed Spirits have no rest. The West is the direction of Summer also know as Summerland, or the Spiritworld. This suggest that if the winds blow from the west, those departed will have a tough time getting to the Spiritworld, like Walking against the Wind.
13. When the Winds blow from the East Expect the new and set the feast. The East, is Air. Air is Spirit and this suggest that the East brings unexpected guests.
14. Nine woods in the Cauldron go, Burn them fast and burn them slow. There are actually 10 woods that are mentioned in the Rede, the last being the most sacred. Some of the Redes that I have read actually mentions each of the 9 that we would place in our cauldrons {When the fire is built, those celebrating would jump over the fire to invoke good luck in the coming season} Here are the woods and ther meaning: 1.Birch - Knowledge, 2.Oak - Insight, 3.Rowan - Magickal Power, 4.Willow - Intuition, 5.Hawthorn - Purify, 6.Hazel - Wisdom, 7.Apple - Fertility, 8.Grape -Although grapes do not grow on trees, BUT grapevines ARE significant- Joy, 9.Fir - Immortality.
15. Elder is the Lady's Tree Burn it Not or cursed you'll be. The 10th wood is most sacared. Whether it's English or American, if you burn this your will be cursed.
16. When the Wheel begins to turn Let the Beltane fires burn. The Wheel or cycle of the Year is set to the Major and Minor Sabbats. The Major being at the height of each season and the Minor being the season changes.
17. When the Wheel hath turned to Yule Light a log the Horned One rules. This speaks of the Sabbats.
18. Heed ye Flower, Bush and Tree By the Lady, Blessed Be. The Goddesses love of life and is sacred. Respect all. Blessed Be is one of the many 'closings' of a spell or ritual.
19. Where the rippling waters go Cast a stone and truth you'll know. A form of seeing into the future. Throwing a stone in calm waters, and watch the ripples in the water and interpret the future.
20. When ye have a true need Hearken not to others' greed. This refers of taking money for spells of any kind.
21. With a fool no season spend Nor be counted as his friend. Or "People know you by the company you keep".
22. Merry meet and merry part Bright the cheeks and warm the heart. At Merry Meets, it's our way of saying hello, and Merry Part is the way of saying good-bye. Bright the cheeks suggest prehaps "a kiss on the cheek".
23. Mind the Threefold law you should Three times bad and three times good. What comes around, goes around. Only, it's times three. So, if energy (good or bad) follows thought, times three in stenght.
24. When misfortune is enow Wear the star upon thy brow. *This refers to opening your senses to your Higher Self or Spirit when times are hard. Now is the best time to speak less and listen more.
25. True in Love ever be Lest thy love be false to thee. This refers to the vows that we give to others, encompasses marriage vows. If your lover or spouse has been unfaithful to you, their vows are broken.
26. Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill AN IT HARM NONE, DO AS YE WILL. Basically this means, is that as long as it does not harm anyone and that includes yourself, then everything is fine. If not, it WILL come back times three.
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